Sunday, December 30, 2007

Wall of truth

One thing the guitar presents is a challenge to those wishing to apply their interest. You can find out a lot about a person by how they approach learning guitar.

Some say things like, "I want to learn," yet, they don't acquire a guitar. Or they find a guitar they can borrow from a friend, only to have that friend's car get impounded and the guitar and the friend locked away.

Another challenge is practice. One may come up with all sorts of reasons whey they don't practice. It is very entertaining to me to listen to these excuses.

Yet another excuse is, "I don't have any time."
While watching TV or internetting 5 hrs a day.

The positive:
I challenge all of you to be authentic. I keep working on it myself. Don't lie about why you didn't do something. You can do it, it comes more with age, but it's interesting and fun to learn.
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